Plan Type Selector | Alight Retiree Health Solutions

Understanding Your Options


Compare your comprehensive coverage choices available through Alight

Private insurance companies through Alight Retiree Health Solutions offer plans with monthly premiums — some as low as $0 — to help cover costs that Original Medicare does not. We broke down the key differences between Medicare Advantage (HMO and PPO) and Medicare Supplement to help you sort out factors such as managing plan cost and flexibility to choose your providers. Our Building Complete Coverage page provides even more education around plan types.

Use the slider below and drag the circle to where you see your fit between cost and flexibility. More complete plan choices will be highlighted according to your needs.

Are you looking for a single plan with a lower monthly premium to manage costs? (Cost)

Are you concerned about seeing specialists across multiple providers? (Flexibility)

Do you need prescription drug coverage to be included with the plan? (Cost)

Are you someone who frequently travels abroad? (Flexibility)


Medicare Advantage HMO
Medicare Advantage PPO
Medicare Supplement
Additional Coverage Options
Managed Health Maintenance Organization all-in-one plan designed using in-network doctors and hospitals. You still have Original Medicare Parts A and B, but Medicare Advantage becomes your primary insurance.
Managed Preferred Provider Organization all-in-one plan designed using extended in-network doctors and hospitals. You still have Original Medicare Parts A and B, but Medicare Advantage becomes your primary insurance.
Keeps Parts A and B and fills in coverage gaps. These fee-for-service plans allow you to go to any doctor or facility you prefer, but have far higher premiums and would still need to purchase a standalone Part D Plan.
Doctors / Hospitals
Use in-network providers only.
Use any provider, and some plans pay for out-of-network care at the same rate for in-network care.
You can choose any provider who accepts Medicare.
Referral needed to use network specialists.
No referral needed.
No referral needed.
Prescription Drug Coverage
MA+PD Plans include prescription drug coverage.
MA+PD Plans include prescription drug coverage.
Prescription drug coverage is not included.
Monthly Premium Costs
Monthly premiums are typically lowest because you are using a defined network of providers.
Monthly premiums are typically lower because you are using a defined network of providers.
Premiums are highest and you also need to purchase a separate Prescription Drug Plan.
Out-of-Pocket Costs
When you use services, you pay co-pays, coinsurance and deductibles so costs can vary with higher utilization.
When you use services, you pay co-pays, coinsurance and deductibles so costs can vary with higher utilization.
Medical out-of-pocket (OOP) costs can be low or zero (based on plan type) after your monthly premium. Note: Part D OOP costs can be high, depending on drug needs.
Enrollment Periods
Join during your Initial Enrollment Period or change plans during Annual Enrollment Period without any underwriting. You may qualify for Special Enrollment if certain life events apply.
Join during Initial Enrollment Period or change plans during Annual Enrollment Period without any underwriting. You may qualify for Special Enrollment if certain life events apply.
Guaranteed issue rights when you first become eligible (age 65); future plan changes involve underwriting where you may be charged more for pre-existing conditions. You may qualify for Special Enrollment if certain life events apply.
Dental, Hearing, and Vision Plans
Included in most plans.
Included in most plans.
Not included.
Most plans do not cover you outside of the US and only cover you in your local area.
Plans offering nation-wide travel and sometimes international coverage may be available.
Most complete coverage if you frequently travel the U.S. and internationally.